My name is Ulysses Hurliman. I am an emerging blacksmith. For 5 years I have been studying and practicing the tools of my trade. In 2020, during my last year of high school, I built my own shop, allowing me the time and space to grow and pursue my passion as I transitioned into adulthood. Every day I explore the techniques for traditional knife and tool making, along with other crafts related to the trade. The process of transforming otherwise useless hunks of metal, or other natural and found materials, into functional yet beautiful items is thrilling.

I chose decent because, initially, it made me laugh. But becoming a master smith is a serious endeavor. Therefore, I am using the old-world meaning of the word decent: conforming to the recognized standard of propriety; marked by moral integrity, goodwill, good taste, modesty; honorable, virtuous, ethical, honest, right minded.
When I say my work is decent, I mean I am proud of my work. It also means I am embarking on this journey with modesty and humility because it’s a life-long learning process.

With the encouragement and support from the democratic self-directed school I attended, I sought out local mentors and learned as much as I could under their tutelage. I have studied under Nick Rossi, Emiliano Carrillo, and Anna Koplik, both at Peter's Valley School of Crafts in Layton, NJ, and at Arc and Flame in Rochester, NY. I also was mentored by Mark Emig in his shop in West Hurley, NY. I continue to explore and study blacksmithing techniques and related leatherwork to expand my knowledge and skills while creating in my shop.